Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 days and a wake up

Three days and a wake up… I'm going to run it.
October 27, 2013.
The MCM – the Marine Corp Marathon.

I am jazzed, I am excited, and I am pumped. I am thrilled to have the opportunity and the privilege to run this event.

And I am more than a little nervous. I am ready, but its a long way and anything can happen.

I am confident, but not that confident. I have trained as much as I can, I have run hills, intervals, long runs, worked muscle groups, stretched, massaged, and I’ve seen my chiropractor regularly. I am as ready as I’m going to be.

My FL project pushed my training sideways some, but hopefully not so much as it would make a difference.  My experience with Chicago (2011 and my only other marathon) has taught me that my training will get me through the miles. I feel strong, and most importantly nothing hurts, nothing feels out of sorts (which is very amazing considering the work that I’ve been doing). I have even lost 5 pounds doing this work over the last 3-4 weeks, but I think that is a good thing.

Among the things that I am fretting about is how to dress for the day…  It will be cold (maybe high 30’s? or low 40’s?) between the time that I get off the Metro and the sun rises, and then it should warm up to the low 50’s.  I love running in the high 40’s and low 50’s, so that part is good. But the trick is making it through the couple of hours before the start without becoming a popsicle. I know that I’m going to have to wear stuff that I will ditch at the start of the race, but the big decisions are what to take to ditch.

Another thing that I’m fretting about is the 14th St Bridge crossing between miles 20 and 21 – I am told that this can a tough point, possible more so with wind.  I have also heard that the jaunt through Crystal City and then up to the Pentagon can be a drag, which sucks since those will be the toughest miles.

But oddly enough, I already know that on marathon day I will not think about any of those things or any others, and I will simply relish the day, the people, the run, and the opportunity to have been able to participate.

Yes, I would love to do spectacularly well from a timing perspective, but I will be thrilled to post any kind of a  respectable time. My immediate goal is to finish the race. I joke with people about “crossing the finish line vertical and preferably running”, but my serious goal is to finish with anything better than a 4:20hr posting. Making my stretch goal here will depend on the day, energy levels, how things are going, etc., etc.  If I hit it, or even come remotely close to it I will be over the moon with excitement.

I have a race plan and a nutrition plan. I hope that I remember it while I’m running (I sort of lost track of things during Chicago….).  I will start with the 10m/m group and depending on how I’m feeling, start working on decreasing my splits.  26.2 miles is a long way and there are plenty of miles to do things.  Nutritionally, I am planning on doing my banana thing: I’ll eat a banana prior to the start, another at mile 4 and the second one at mile 12. I’ll do GU at miles 8, 16, and 20. I’ll have an extra GU in event that I can/should suck one down between 20 and 25 – it all depends on what my stomach will handle at that point. I will also hit every water station and take down at least 4oz of fluid.

Like I said – I am as ready as I can get. Three days and a wake up.  I can’t wait.

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