Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Achilles issues

In early June I strained my right Achilles while running in a pair of trial shoes during a group run. It was weird that it happened since the shoe actually had a higher heal to toe ratio than my current Newtons. Nevertheless, I have been babying this thing ever since, but now I’m worried. Immediately after it happened I stayed off running for 2 days and then did only light runs for a while, icing it after each run. It usually felt stiff at the start of the run, but after a half mile or less I was fine and was able to run with no discomfort at all. It even felt good enough to do long runs including a couple of 13 and 14 mile runs. I seemed to be ok. But then one very hot and humid day I wisely chose to work out in the gym instead of running outdoors; I did some sessions on the treadmill, some core work, more treadmill – it was a great workout and I felt great. I had a lot to do, so I skipped icing my Achilles (not so wise). To make matters worse, the next day I was confined to a car for an 8 hour road trip. I ran an easy 3 miles the following day and realized that my Achilles was not happy. And I see the decision to not ice after the treadmill workout as the culprit. It’s tight, but not horrible; i.e. I can walk just fine. I just limp a little when I first get out of a chair. I notice that going down stairs gives me a bit of a sharp pain, so I’m very careful with that. But it seems that after I’ve warmed it up (blood flowing) that I’m more or less ok. I’ve rested it for a couple of days since that 3 mile run and today I did an easy run. The run was great, but I don’t like the way it feels now. Arg. I need this to get better quick! 96 days to the MCM (that’s like 13 weeks….)

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