Thursday, April 21, 2011

a long way to go...

As of today I have 24 weeks and 3 days until the Chicago Marathon.  Seems like plenty of time to prep and be ready.  You think?  I hope so…

I’ve seen training programs that range from 16 weeks to 6 months.  I’ve read several programs boasting “can’t fail” strategies, and some that are pretty sketchy (sketchy as in skunky and stinky…).  The net-net of researching them all is that I now realize that there is no “one” perfect training program for everyone, but rather that it is necessary to mold a program that suits your running style and abilities.   Since I have no style and little ability, it should be pretty easy, eh?… <imagine me smirking>

So what I’ve decided on is to build a strong base consisting of 20+ miles per week which would include a long run almost every week until around 10 weeks to go, and then amp it up a bunch.  I’m already registered for a 10K race (May 1) and a HM (June 5).  I’ve been working on trying to get a bit faster, and I’m curious how I will run in an actual race.  I did a St. Patrick’s Day 5K last month and I did surprisingly well for me, posting a 8:21min/mile pace!  That seems really fast for me… I do not expect to set that pace for the 10K, but it should be fun!  (To put things in perspective, serious runners post 5, 6, and 7min/mile paces - my dream of 9min/mile pace is pedestrian in comparison.  The winner of the Chicago Marathon will finish in just over 2hrs - at which point I will (hopefully) just be at the halfway point.  These guys and girls can move and have serious athletic ability!)

My big near term target is the HM on June 5.  I want to try to finish as close to 2hrs as possible.  That means being able to sustain a 9:00 min/mile pace for all 13.1 miles.  My personal best (PB) for a HM was a 9:39 m/m pace in the Detroit HM last October.  Can I squeeze out 39 seconds per mile?  For 13.1 miles?  Yikes.

Last week I did 10 miles and averaged a 9:23 m/m pace – and truthfully, I wasn’t seriously running for pace setting, but rather working on my endurance.  So maybe there is some hope.  I’m doing another 10 miles this weekend, so we’ll see what happens.  The funny thing about that run is that I took 3 phone calls while I was running (damn iPhone) and while I slowed down and sometimes walked during the calls, I still managed to keep my average pace at an ok level.

Speaking of iPhones, the damn things are a blessing and a curse.  I bring it with me because it provides me with music (I listen either to my stored music or Pandora) and for tracking my run (I use RunKeeper).  RunKeeper is pretty cool in that it not only tracks my route via GPS, but it also keeps track of my splits and gives me voice prompts at different intervals with my time, distance, and pace.  But the problem is that it is also a phone and a text messenger… so I’ll often get phone calls and texts while I run.  I usually ignore both the phone calls and texts, but sometimes there are those calls that I have to answer.  So the secret is that if you really, really want to reach me, call twice in a row, one call right after the other – then I’ll know that you really need to speak to me.  Another pain in the ass thing about the iPhone is that its not weather-proof, and in the event of rain, I have to bring with me a zip-lock bag to plop it into so that I don't ruin the damn thing.  I need to come up with a better tool...

I’ve got more notes, but I’ll post them after my 10 mile run this weekend…


  1. I think I have a 26 year old idea to keep that IPhone dry..... Let's not be late to market this time.....

  2. I think I remember that one... and we had salt water to deal with then too!
